We have already gone over two of the five laws for success. As always, we hope that you are still committed to the one and only condition, to act these laws out in your own lives and business’s. We encourage you to click on the left side of the page and follow our blog to make sure you never miss out on our future posts, and please leave your comments at the bottom of each post, we are so anxious to hear how you have paid it forward and given back more than you took.
Have you ever wondered why you work? It may seem like a no-brainer but allow me to break it down for you. Survive, save, and serve! Most of you have never looked at it like this; you simply work because you have to. There are three reasons why we all go to work every day. Survive-to meet your basic living needs. Save-to go beyond your basic needs and expand your life. And serve-to make a contribution to the world around you. The problem here is that most of you, including Cristalena and I, never spent our lives serving. Actually, most people spend their entire lives focusing on the first, surviving. A small number of people focus on the second, saving. But those rare few who are truly successful-not just financially, but genuinely successful is all aspects of their lives, keep their focus squarely on the third, SERVING!
The Law of Influence
The third law of stratospheric success is the Law of Influence. Once you change your focus from seeing what you can get to what you can give is when your careers will really start to take off. No matter what business you are involved in you need to know how to develop a NETWORK. Some of you THINK you already have developed a great network, and maybe some of you have, in a sense, but not the kind of network that is important. By network I don’t necessarily mean your customers or clients. I mean a network of people who know you, like you, and trust you. They might never buy a thing from you, but they’ve always got you in the backs of their minds. These are people who are personally interested in seeing you succeed, because you are the same way about them. They are your own army of personal walking ambassadors! When you have your own army of personal ambassadors, you’ll have referrals coming your way faster than you can handle them.
How do you create a network like this? It is simple, STOP KEEPING SCORE! Don’t keep track. That’s not networking, that’s poker. You should never do anything with the thought of, what will I get in return. Don’t ever live, Quid Pro Quo! When you base your relationships in business or anywhere else in your life on who owes who what, that’s not being a friend. That’s being a creditor. You should always make YOUR win about the other person, go after what THEY want. Forget win-win, focus on the other person’s win. That right there is the third law of success”
“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interest first”.
If I asked you what you think creates influence, what would be some of the things you would say? I am willing to bet most of you would say things like money, position, and a history of outstanding accomplishments. And most of you would have it backwards. Those things don’t create influence, influence creates them!
Have you ever looked at someone and were just taken back by how attractive they are? I don’t mean good look, I mean genuinely attractive as a person? Magnetic? They love to give. That is why they’re attractive. Givers attract! And that is why the Law of Influence works. Because it magnetizes you!!!!
Now we challenge all of to go out and apply this in your life, focus on building a network of people who are genially interested in seeing you win. People who, know you, like you, and trust you.
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