Hello to every single one of you. Well here goes our first ever blog. For the longest time Cristalena and I asked each other what the point of blogging was. We never understood why people always blogged. To be honest with you, we still dont know why some people blog. Maybe it is a means of venting, keeping in touch with friends and family, spreading the word about something, or maybe it is just a dear diary for them. We hope to use our Dreams 2 Reality blog to give ideas, share our thoughts, pictures, motivation, and give pointers from our own perspective so we can help each and every one of you live a more possitive, successful life and turn your Dreams 2 Reality!
We will blog about books we have read, training calls we have taken part of, leadership topics, and everything else we think will help all of you live the life you all deserve. We are probably going to post about random family events that our family takes part in, like our new adventure coming up in Febuary 2013 as we transition from South Carolina to North Carolina and not only grow our business but spread the word of living good and giving back more than you take.
We hope every single one of you spreads the word about our blog and we hope we can impact your life in a positive way.
As always, if any of you should ever need help, have any questions, or simply just need to talk, don't ever hesitate to seek us out. We look forward to helping all of you turn your DREAMS 2 REALITY!
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