Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Law #3: The Law of Influence

   We have already gone over two of the five laws for success. As always, we hope that you are still committed to the one and only condition, to act these laws out in your own lives and business’s. We encourage you to click on the left side of the page and follow our blog to make sure you never miss out on our future posts, and please leave your comments at the bottom of each post, we are so anxious to hear how you have paid it forward and given back more than you took.
     Have you ever wondered why you work? It may seem like a no-brainer but allow me to break it down for you. Survive, save, and serve! Most of you have never looked at it like this; you simply work because you have to. There are three reasons why we all go to work every day. Survive-to meet your basic living needs. Save-to go beyond your basic needs and expand your life. And serve-to make a contribution to the world around you. The problem here is that most of you, including Cristalena and I, never spent our lives serving. Actually, most people spend their entire lives focusing on the first, surviving. A small number of people focus on the second, saving. But those rare few who are truly successful-not just financially, but genuinely successful is all aspects of their lives, keep their focus squarely on the third, SERVING!

The Law of Influence

     The third law of stratospheric success is the Law of Influence. Once you change your focus from seeing what you can get to what you can give is when your careers will really start to take off. No matter what business you are involved in you need to know how to develop a NETWORK. Some of you THINK you already have developed a great network, and maybe some of you have, in a sense, but not the kind of network that is important. By network I don’t necessarily mean your customers or clients. I mean a network of people who know you, like you, and trust you. They might never buy a thing from you, but they’ve always got you in the backs of their minds. These are people who are personally interested in seeing you succeed, because you are the same way about them. They are your own army of personal walking ambassadors! When you have your own army of personal ambassadors, you’ll have referrals coming your way faster than you can handle them.
     How do you create a network like this? It is simple, STOP KEEPING SCORE! Don’t keep track. That’s not networking, that’s poker. You should never do anything with the thought of, what will I get in return. Don’t ever live, Quid Pro Quo! When you base your relationships in business or anywhere else in your life on who owes who what, that’s not being a friend. That’s being a creditor. You should always make YOUR win about the other person, go after what THEY want. Forget win-win, focus on the other person’s win. That right there is the third law of success”
“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interest first”.
     If I asked you what you think creates influence, what would be some of the things you would say? I am willing to bet most of you would say things like money, position, and a history of outstanding accomplishments. And most of you would have it backwards. Those things don’t create influence, influence creates them!
     Have you ever looked at someone and were just taken back by how attractive they are? I don’t mean good look, I mean genuinely attractive as a person? Magnetic? They love to give. That is why they’re attractive. Givers attract! And that is why the Law of Influence works. Because it magnetizes you!!!!
     Now we challenge all of to go out and apply this in your life, focus on building a network of people who are genially interested in seeing you win. People who, know you, like you, and trust you.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fundraiser for Richard


Richard is a seven year old little boy, amazing son, younger brother, and best friend to his twin sister. Just this past Thursday, October 4th 2012, he started to have a little trouble walking around the house. Stephanie, one of our Scentsy family members, watched him as he continued to stumble around the house. He had trouble focusing on things and following her finger. Just as any parent knows their child, she knew something wasn't right, she decided to take him to the doctor. After a few tests the Dr.'s decided to admit him to the children's hospital and await an MRI. The results of the MRI indicated that Richard has a tennis ball sized tumor on his brain (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma-DIPG). This is a form of un-treatable cancer. Stephanie and Richard have spent the past few days in the children's hospital and will be released today, Saturday October 6th 2012. 
Richard does not know the severity of his condition and the family is going to live his last days like nothing has ever happened. He is going to smile, play, and simply be a child with the ones he loves. 
     Stephanie will not be getting any time off from work and is going to struggle, but she and her precious babies are going to make it through this tough time. Her spirits are high, higher than ours would be if such a situation happened to our family. She said that she knows her son, Richard belongs to the Lord, and he was just sent here temporary, and his time to return to the Lord is near. Having an outlook like this just shows how strong she is. Cristalena and I cannot imagine what she must be going through right now, and we are wanting to help in any way we can. The Bible says in Acts 20:35, "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" We have set up a Scentsy fundraiser for Richard and are not only going to give 100% of all proceeds, we are going to match dollar for dollar. We humbly ask everyone to help our drive to support the family. Stephanie can use any help so she does not have to worry about what to make for dinner, worry about all the bills that life will throw at her while she is out of work, and to give Richard the best last days of his life. If you cannot support with the fundraiser, please take five minutes of your day to kneel down, close your eyes and pray for not only his health, but for the support of his family. The power of prayer is amazing and together we can help Stephanie and the kids. 
     If you would like to support Richard's fundraiser please go to the link below and know that your help is appreciated in more ways than one. Thank you for your time, support, and most of all, your prayers.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven". Matthew 18:10

Friday, October 5, 2012

Law #2: The Law of Compensation

     I hope that all of you have gotten as much as we have out of the first law, The Law of Value.  And more importantly, I hope all of you who read it stayed commited to the one and only condition, which is that you must apply each law somehow in your own business' or your own personal lives. As we continue explaining the laws, we hope that you continue to apply them and watch how things turn around for the better. Now, lets talk about the second law.
The Law of Compensation
     The law of compensation is not what most of you are thinking about. It isn't about any monetary value that you reep in return for your work. It is something much greater than that. Something that a price simply cannot be placed on. The first law, The Law of Value, determins how valuable you are. In other words, your potential success, how much you could earn. But the second law, The Law of Compensation, is what determines how much you actually do earn! Like I mentioned before, do not look for any dollar figure or base it off of how many toys you have or how big your house is. If you live by the five laws, you will be paid so much more.
     The second law is defined simply as this, "your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them". To put it another way, your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch. How many times have you made a comment about professional athletes, movie stars, or top CEO’s and how much money they make compared to the military, police officers, firefighters, teachers, nurses, and the many others who do noble work for little monetary pay? It always seemed so unfair, as if these great people should be paid more because they are more valuable than that, but it isn’t a question about their value. It is a question about their impact. There are two amazing things about this. First, it means that you get to determine YOUR level of compensation; it is always under YOUR control. If you want more success, then go and find more people to serve. It also means there are no limitations on what you can earn, because you can always find more people to serve. Martin Luther King Jr., once said, “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve”. Another way to say that might be, everybody can be successful because everybody can give. Do you see the trend here? It goes by what we have been told so many times before, “give back more than you take”! I can speak firsthand about the compensation of giving. In 2004 I found myself inside the city of Fallujah Iraq, in the middle of a war zone. On a daily basis I was surrounded by the children of Fallujah. These kids have lived a life that many of us cannot imagine. Walking on rocky, sandy streets with temperatures above 120 degrees, cracked feet, no water, no food, and numb to the violence which surrounded them. But when I pulled out a bottle of water, a piece of hard candy, or a package of crackers out of my pack and handed it to them, or when I asked to take a picture with them, the smile on that child paid me more than any amount of money could ever! This is the law of compensation.
     You can work your whole life for a paycheck, and you will get one. But you will always find yourself working harder for that bigger paycheck. Once you get it, you still will not be happy, you will continue to keep working for that bigger check, but never truly be happy. Only you can change this. Being broke and being rich are both decisions. You make those decisions up in your head, everything else just pays out.
     So remember, if you want to receive more, you have to give more. Do not ever focus on anything monetary, focus on the satisfaction of giving more than you take. And always remember that good things happen to good people.  

     As always, we hope that Law # 2, The Law of Compensation, opened your eyes to live a better life and helps your business. DO NOT forget about the condition. You must now go and pay it forward, appling the law of Compensation somehow in your everyday life and business.....READY.....SET....GO!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


     Here is something that Cristalena posted in some of her D2R Facebook pages. I read this and was floored to see how true it is. Every single point in this post has happened to us and we live it every day. We are spoiled to sit back and watch all of our teammates / best friends accomplish goals they never dreamd of and see families live without the added stress of money. We can't wait to see all of you turn your Dreams 2 Reality and join us on all the future team / family events!

     Teamwork is all around you in your everyday life. Take your family for example. A small team maybe, but none the less it’s a team. Imagine if there was no encouragement, no support, little communication? That team would not function smoothly, having a hard time reaching any goals they set. Now a family or team that communicates regularly, encourages one another, supports during good time as well as the bad; they will likely reach goal faster with greater success. It is very much the same way with direct sales. We are a family!
Teamwork is the foundation of our business. The moment you join a direct sales company you become part of a team. The team you have joined will be there to support and guide you along your journey. They will be sure to pick you up when you are down, and celebrate with you when you achieve your goals. Everyone has their reasons for wanting to join a direct sales company. The most commonly shared reason is to generate some type of income. But what most of us find along this journey are unbreakable friendships, and memories that we will cherish for a lifetime. So although our WHY might be different, we are still playing for the same team! Each team member has different unique qualities that make that person invaluable to the team. The hard part sometimes is getting that person to understand they are valued, and to believe in themselves. It is when a team works together during the good and the bad, that success is achieved. Yes, we are all independent consultants, I understand. But, if any of us, want to create a foundation for a long lasting business that can be passed down… We need to build strong, independent teams. Its not just about adding recruits to your team, it about getting to know them, teach them, and support them! Building a strong foundation for your business, is vital to the overall success of it. To do this, you must work as a team. What I am saying is not just about a nice paycheck. It is about watching your team members achieve things they did not know they could, to find the strength in themselves to go for their dreams, to step out side of that comfort zone, to believe in themselves. That is the most rewarding part of building a team. By helping them become successful, you become successful. This process repeats itself over and over through out the growth of a direct sales company. The home office taught us the ropes, we teach you, you teach your team. It is a pay it forward type of business model, one that I am personally proud to be a part of.
The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. ~Margaret Carty